How did this happen? When did 18 months go by? How is my little baby halfway to two?
We had M's 18 month doctor's appointment today. He is doing well. Earlier in the week he started having a lot of nasty drainage from his eyes which is still present. Since the whites of his eyes were still white, I assume it was allergies, which was confirmed by the doctor. I may or may not start him on some meds this weekend.
His weight was down in percentiles again. In fact I think he only gained 1/4 of a pound in the last 3 months. He currently weighs 22.25 pounds. Right now there really isn't a concern. He is sitting in the 5th-10th %-ile where his sister likes to hang out. We will just keep watching him and make sure he doesn't drop any further on the charts. His height is 32.5 inches which maintains him in the 50th percentile.
At 18 months M is into everything. He is so strong willed and has an attitude that could fill a body ten times his size. I often think that he, as one child, is more challenging then the twins. I definitely have lost that laid back baby. He is very smart and physically way ahead of his peers. There is nothing this kid can't do. He follows his siblings around everywhere and DEMANDS to be able to do whatever they do. He LOVES his brother. M is still very cuddly and loves to just sit and be held. He still nurses once or twice a day. We still co-sleep and M's sleep schedule stinks.
A few weeks ago M finished all his evaluations for his speech. He is quite delayed with expressive speech only - actually excels in other areas - but since there is a familial history of therapy, they qualified him. We had to jump through a bunch of insurance hoops but finally we have everything approved and now we are just waiting on a therapist assignment. I hope that with early intervention, M won't need to be in therapy into his school years like S.
So, the problem with getting a picture of M...he won't sit still. I will have to get some this weekend outside where I don't have to depend on a flash. Most the ones I took tonight were horribly blurry :0(.
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