Well the East Coast got slammed with a winter storm and we weren't spared! While this area may get one or two snowfalls per winter, it's rarely enough to stick to the ground for more than a few hours. Through the night we got around 8 inches! This town will be kept to a stand still for at least a few days!
The twins were super excited when they woke up and had to go out a play. They each lasted 10-15 minutes and then had to come in. They dried off and got warm with some hot chocolate. We even made Snow Cream which is apparently some sort of Southern Tradition when it snows, as I grew up in Canada and never heard of such a thing. It was super yummy!! I'll definitely have to put the pot out if it snows again!
Recipe if you're interested...
8 cups of snow - put a large pot out early in the snow fall to catch fresh snow
1 cup Milk - we used whole
1/2 cup sugar
Vanilla Extract to taste