I got S's hair cut a few weeks ago. Now that I'm used to it, I like it but for a few days I did a double take every time I looked at him. He's still in gymnastics and doing pretty well. His biggest challenge right now is following the rules and listening to me when he needs to. I'm thinking this is pretty typical for a four year old so I will just try and stay consistent and hopefully have a better behaved child in the end.
K's biggest challenges are her attitude and her attitude. She is full of it and can be very sassy. My biggest challenge in dealing with said attitude is not to laugh at the stuff she comes up with. Her rationalizations are crazy...and very well thought out for her age. Just the other day when we were cleaning out some clothes she was growing out of, she looked at me very sternly and said "See this is why you don't tell me to eat fruits and vegetables. I don't want to grow big!"
Both S and K are loving M and seem to be getting more excited now that they can actually interact with him more. K is very grossed out my M's drool and spit up but enjoys talking and reading to him, while S loves to make M laugh and smile.
Although there are moments I'd like to find another home for them, I am truly blessed to have such great kids!
2 comments on "Don't Want to Forget the Other Two"
That sounds GREAT! I do hope that they BOTH get into PK. What a nice reprieve it will be for ALL of you. Will keep my fingers RX...
Oh, and I LOVE the haircut Sammy! Looks great!!!!!
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