Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Breast Milk

So, if you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know that breastfeeding the twins was a nightmare. They never latched, I had to exclusively pump, and I never made enough milk for the two of them. They were always on some amount of formula from the very beginning.
Well my breastfeeding experience has been the complete opposite with Max. He nurses great and I have had an abundance of milk. The deep freezer I have is almost full. I have approximately 1500oz of breast milk in the freezer and I freeze about another 70-100oz a week. I haven't had to touch my frozen stash at all. But with this abundance, I am experiencing a space issue. I was getting to the point of either dumping my milk, or buying another freezer.
Well I mentioned my dilemma to some friends and as a result, I am now helping to feed two more infants! Both moms suffer from inadequate glandular tissue so are unable to breastfeed. One mom just had her sixth child and has relied on donated breast milk for all of them. I was able to give her 200oz right away, and I have kind of committed myself to giving her all of what she needs. The other mom is pregnant with her second and also used donated breast milk with her first. I have offered her 100oz to help build her stash (the baby isn't due until June) but made no promises for further donations.
Just in case you are wondering, I am very upfront and honest about the meds I take and both moms are okay with them.
It's just kind of ironic that I didn't make enough for two babies when I had them, and now I am making enough for three (sort of ) :o)

2 comments on "Breast Milk"

tripntwinmom on April 20, 2010 at 6:49 PM said...

I think that is awesome! I worked with a gal who made a ton of milk too and she was able to give milk to a co-worker who adopted a baby so that he had only breastmilk for the first 6 months! I thought it was great!!!

Go you!!!

Lori on April 22, 2010 at 9:44 PM said...

I love this! Good for you. What a great thing to do for someone else!

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