S continues to grow as a brother. He is so awesome with M. He loves to take M under his wing and show him different toys and books. S also gets so excited when M does something new. Right now M is standing by himself and anytime he does it...S gets sooooo excited! "Mommy!! Mommy!! Maxie is standing!!" It has warmed my heart more than I can express to see how much S loves his baby brother.
We continue to struggle on a night time routine. The child would stay up all night if I would let him and then he likes to sleep in like his mama. He has also developed a tendency to break down in tears whenever something happens which he doesn't like. This is my priority behaviour to nip in the butt!
Overall S is doing great. He is growing up into a wonderful boy who is caring and compassionate. He is such a pleasure to parent and I am extremely lucky to have him in my life.
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