Sunday, July 12, 2009

And So the Chaos Begins...

J and her brood arrived a little after one this morning. She was making pretty good time until about 20 miles from here when she sat in traffic for 2 hours after an accident!! How freaking frustrating.

K fell asleep waiting but S was wide awake when they arrived. We chatted for a bit but then headed to bed. J's twins slept with the twins in their room; Ta slept with her mom in the guest room and the boys slept on the couch in the living room. I don't think there was a room in this house without a body in it :)

Once we all woke up we decided it was going to be a nice, quiet day. No plans, just hanging out. The twins all seemed to get along well and the triplets watched TV or played video games. We all had a nap and then a cookout for dinner. Overall it was a good calm day, but of course I had to cause problems with a migraine and vomiting. UGH.

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