Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Absolutely Horrible Weekend

My whole weekend was ruined by one mistake, one simple mistake of which I have made many, many times before. But this time, the choice to not take my medications, would have an entirely different effect.

Saturday morning I woke up with a horrible migraine. I brought the twins downstairs and immediately ran to the sink just in time to vomit. At first I thought..."well, I had to start vomiting at some point" at this time still attributing my symptoms to pregnancy. I laid on the couch only to stay in that half asleep - half awake zone necessary when you have two 3 year old running around the house. The only thing that woke me was the need to vomit every 45-60 minutes. If I drank a small amount of fluid it was expelled almost immediately. Every time I moved I was reminded how much my head hurt. My biggest concern was the danger of dehydration and the need to be hospitalized as I had no one to watch the twins.

I fought the vomiting all day. Continuously taking in fluid as I figured I would absorb some of it during the short period of time it was in my body. I didn't eat anything and by the end of the day I doubt I had kept in 1/2 cup of fluid.

It wasn't until that evening when I started putting two and two together and realized this was not a pregnancy issue - although I'm sure it didn't help - and was rather withdrawal from not taking my anti-depressants. I switched to a new med a few months ago and just recently increased my dosage. I have never had problems before when forgetting my meds, but with this is different. Even being a nurse, I cannot understand the amazing effect this drug had on me.

I wasn't able to take and keep down my meds until late Saturday night. I vomited into the wee hours of Sunday morning and was forced into calling out of work. This totally sucks as we have very strict call-in policies for weekends and now I will be 'punished' by being assigned 2 weekends next schedule...nice. It doesn't even matter that on average I call out one or less times a year.

Anyway, I kept my Sunday sitter who was nice enough to take the twins out of my house. I spent most the day in bed. By about noon I was able to start drinking and eating again. I have still felt like crap for most of the day...but at least no vomiting. I hope to NEVER EVER forget my meds again!

1 comments on "My Absolutely Horrible Weekend"

tripntwinmom on May 10, 2009 at 9:01 PM said...

OMG! I am so VERY sorry that you had to go through that... What garbage that is!!!!

Let's hope that never happens again....

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