Monday, August 31, 2009

They Figure Out Manipulation Early

Today while watching TV, K was sitting naked on the couch and S was doing something around the couch. Well he must have done 'something' because K ended up hitting him in the face with a doll. S of course immediately started crying and ran into my arms. I told K that what she did wasn't nice and that she needed to say sorry.

Well while I am comforting S, K starts to get more visibly upset that she was yelled at. While she didn't start crying, she did her dramatic clenched fists and shaking/quivering with anger that she has recently learned to do. Well after a few minutes of that, S became concerned with K. He went over to her, asked her if she was okay but she wouldn't answer. He then assumed that because she was shaking, she must be cold. He went and got her clothes and a blanket and soothed her until she was smiling again.

Interesting...K does something a little evil, like pummel her brother with a doll, and in the end, she is the one being taken care of and comforted...Interesting.

1 comments on "They Figure Out Manipulation Early"

tripntwinmom on August 31, 2009 at 8:24 PM said...

Not interesting at all.....

Typical female manipulation at it's finest!

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