My mom D is going to be 53 this year. She has black hair, brown eyes and has an olive complexion. She also struggles with her weight, but it much more successful in controlling it than I am. She was born in Canada, was raised in Florida and then moved back to Canada again shortly before my birth. She now currently lives near me in the States. She is also a nurse, although until recently never worked as one. She graduated from nursing school when I was a toddler, but ran a home daycare while we kids were growing up. In the last 6 or 7 years she has started working as a nurse in different settings and specialties.
She has not had an easy life. She grew up with an alcoholic, abusive father. She ended up pregnant in her early 20's with me, but my biological father didn't stick around. She raised me on her own until I was 2-ish when she married her first husband Jose. He was another horrible, abusive man who made life for my mom and me miserable. For the next 10 years he came in and out of our life, adding three more kids to the mix, until he was deported back to his birth country, Venezuela. It was around this time that I mom married her current husband, and the man I call Dad, D. They have now been married for 15 or 16 years (I know...bad that I don't know)
Here is a pic of my mom...but she is like me and hates her photo taken. As a result I had virtually nothing to chose from and this was it.
He has had some rough times too. He has a daughter who is one year younger than me. He also had a son, but sadly he died from a form of bone cancer when he was just three years old. After this, his marriage quickly dissolved and his first wife kind of went crazy. She became pretty abusive and eventually they divorced. Shortly after this, he met my mom.
My kids love their Pop-pop and I love to see them with him. Since they don't have a father, my dad is really their main male role model and he has really embraced this role. I think S would spend every moment with him if I let him, and I assume M will be the same.
1 comments on "Day 4"
You are so blessed to have such a GREAT, involved Dad for your boys. I am truly envious...
And, to still have both of your parents. Well, you know...
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