Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 9

A Picture of Your Friends

Well, as I have posted before, I don't think I have any 'Best Friends' or someone that would drop everything and come to my rescue, but I am surrounded by a few good friends who I do think I can count on for the most part and who have consistently been in my life for the past several years.

I actually have known J the longest. When I started working in 2000 she was a coworker but worked another shift. We seemed to click pretty well. She is the same age as my mom, which I like to bug her about :0). I think J and I would have become much better friends, but about 7 years ago she took a position that made her my while we still get along great, and I love working with her, because of our work relationship there is kind of a restriction on our friendship. We do hang out some outside of work - she went to the MS walk with us - but our relationship is mostly based at work.

I met L and her husband in 2004 when taking classes to start the process of adoption. Her and her husband had difficulty conceiving and hoped to be able to adopt using the same program I did. Sadly, I was not the only one who suffered loss and frustration. L and her husband were able to adopt, but went privately and now have a wonderful son, who is just 6 months older than the twins. Our kids have grown up together and L and I have shared parenthood together. She is a great friend and I think if we had more time in our busy lives, we could get to be much closer too. She is one of the few who has consistenly been there for me, even during the lowest of my lows.
I met J online in 2006 when I joined an online support group for single moms by choice. She immediately emailed me when I joined and explained that she was a single mom with triplets and was newly pregnant with twins. I thought she was a troll. There was no way crazy people like that actually exisited :0P Well of course she did exist and over the years we became closer and closer. J could totally be my best friend...problem...she lives in Texas. We have many similar beliefs, parenting styles, backgrounds and goals - we just can't talk politics :0) We have met twice now, both time her family coming to me, she is the friend I will be visiting this August.
I met C in 2006 when I joined a local mommies group. She also has twins. Her b/g twins are about 6 months older than mine. Our friendship kind of waxes and wanes. Throughout everything though, she has always been a good caretaker to the kids and has been my backup babysitter for years.

1 comments on "Day 9"

tripntwinmom on April 14, 2011 at 10:58 AM said...

For the record, if it were NOT a matter of $$, I WOULD drop everything to come and help you. You mean THAT much to me.... :)

I LOVE it that I am the CRAZY one! :P I wonder WHAT people think about the tripntwin mom wanting to add a SN orphan to this crew??

Ha ha ha on the politics thing... I think that also is a testimony to how strong our friendship is. We respect that part of each others' lives...

Love ya like a sister!!!(Actually, more, as YOU know all too well HOW I feel about my sister... :))

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