This past week I have had two people that have turned on me out of the blue. To my knowledge I have done nothing. And in some cases another person has decided to make up lies about me. Since I have no one to sent to about these situations, I will spew them here.
Case #1Today I went down to visit a friend at work. She seemed distant and then she said she was upset with me. See recently she had a big
pay cut, she is dealing with an international adoption and is still recovering from two failed
IVF's. She said her feelings were hurt by me because "Someone" told her that I was laughing and making fun of her
pay cut. WHAT!? Why on
friggin earth would I laugh at someone who is losing money, especially someone I considered my friend. Almost as hurtful was that she believed it. As a friend, I would have thought she would know me enough to know I wouldn't do that to her. I know I can be very opinionated at times, and I always stand by what I say, but never would I take pleasure in someone
else's suffering.
It also drives me nuts that she won't tell me who said it. I think I have a right to know who is making up lies about me. I figure it has to be someone within our circle for her to believe it. It feels like there is someone at work who is trying to plot against me (hence the paranoia). A few months ago I make cupcakes for the department only to find out someone had told people not to eat them because I let my kids play in the batter!?
I really want to meet this 'someone'.
Case #2There is a girl on my
triadmommy site, C. She is known to be
biploar and a little edgy. Before I became friends with her, she had two major run ins with moms she met off the site resulting in a huge war, some criminal charges and those moms leaving the site. I figured she had some bad luck with friends, however it's becoming more obvious that she played a much bigger role.
Well a
few months ago she turned on me big time. She started making up this shit about me and complaining about me to leadership. It caught me completely off guard as I hadn't done anything to her. Well about 3 days after she did that, her husband ended up in the hospital and suddenly she needed me as a friend again. I decided then that I would keep my distance.
Skip to this week. Nothing has really happened, and suddenly she has turned on me again. She told another friend of ours all these lies. She sent all these emails to leadership that I had written her in the beginning of our friendship that complained about leadership (I guess she kept them for a rainy day??) She has gone behind my back and tried to get my
moderator privileges revoked for the two forums I run. It's like she feeds off the drama and has tried to suck me into it.
truly think she is trying to get me to go into war with her like the last two did. I'm not taking the bait. I am just sitting back and watching her fall apart, but knowing while she's doing it, she is taking my reputation down with it.
So as you can see, my friendships have sucked. People who I thought were my friends turning on me, and 'someone' going out of there way to make me look hateful. Gosh...I just feel all warm and fuzzy...